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Volunteers Wanted To Help Run Your Branch

The North Oxfordshire Branch of CAMRA is looking for volunteers to be co-opted to the following committee positions.

Pubs Officer

Our Pubs Officer is one of the "core" members of the Branch committee. The main criteria of the role would be to ensure that the pub is central to CAMRA campaigning, which is broken down into three main areas:

  1. Maintenance of our pubs database, recording of pub marks via our clustering system and providing data as and when requested.
  2. Championing pubs and to promote pub-going within the Branch.
  3. Preservation of pubs under threat of closure or unsympathetic alteration or re-furbishment.
Branch Secretary

Our Branch Secretary will be responsible for ensuring that accurate minutes are taken at all meetings with the appropriate action points noted. Once approved by the Chairman, they will be circulated to members. Our secretary will also book and confirm venues for meetings, social activities, prepare agenda's and ensure that members are notified of all dates via What's Brewing.

Social Secretary

The role of our Social Secretary will be to arrange social activities such as pub crawls, darts matches, etc for the benefit of local members whilst trying to encourage inactive members to come along, whilst introducing a campaign theme where possible. You will also ensure that our social calendar does not conflict with formal Branch business.

And finally...

Campaigns Officer

Our Campaigns Officer will liaise with primarily the Pubs Officer to ensure that any change of use or pub closure notice within our Branch, is dealt with in a prompt and efficient manner. All national campaigns i.e. National Pubs Week, Full Pints Campaign are built into our Branch activities.

The criteria to undertake any of these roles are:

  • You must reside within the boundaries of the North Oxfordshire Branch
  • Be prepared to attend meetings and social activities
  • Have imagination and pride in seeing your fellow members' enjoying/benefiting from your efforts.

Don't worry if you have never undertaken anything like this before, I hadn't before I started, but your fellow committee members and members of the Branch will be there to help and encourage you.

If you would like to undertake any of these voluntary roles, please either send me an e-mail to ring me on (01869) 347762 for an informal chat.

The ongoing success of our Branch is down to you, our members and those who volunteer to take on the roles, thus ensuring that your Branch continues to go from strength to strength.

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Branch Pub Of The Year (POTY)
And the winner is..The Rose & Crown at Charlbury
25/03/2006 more
The Plough at Bodicote reopens
The pub opens this Friday, 24th March
22/03/2006 more
National Pub Of The Year
17/02/2006 more

The contents of this site are Copyright© 2005 North Oxfordshire branch of CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale). The views expressed within this site may not be those of the branch or of CAMRA.

Whilst every care is taken North Oxfordshire CAMRA accepts no liability in relation to the accuracy of the information provided within this site.

Full Terms & Conditions